As side event of EUBCE – European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2023 in Bologna, the joint sister project workshop Sustainability certification of bio-based products will take place on Wednesday 7th of June from 3:00opm to 6:20pm CEST
The event is free and open to all free access with visitor pass.
With the increasing shift from fossil to bio-based products; safeguarding the sustainability of bio-based products and their compliance with a variety of European policy objectives is becoming an important topic.
Presentations will feature preliminary results from all three projects, including amongst others the overview of policy priorities in establishing sustainability requirements, the first outcomes of an open stakeholder consultation on the effectiveness and robustness of CSLs, biobased value chains and trade flows, the proposed monitoring system the three sister projects are designing, followed by a roundtable discussing the role of CSLs as a co-regulation instrument.
The event will feature a roundtable in which various stakeholders will be asked to present their views on the potential role(s) of CSLs in the future European Circular Bioeconomy and on the design of a monitoring tool for CSLs.
The Horizon Europe sister projects STAR4BBS, HARMONITOR and SUSTCERT4BIOBASED assess certification schemes and labels (CSLs) and their use to ascertain the sustainability of bio-based products in the European Union.
More information and registration