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STAR4BBS at the First international research workshop on Quality Infrastructure

By 8 May. 2023No Comments

On the 27th of April, TUB and BAM attended the first international research workshop on Quality Infrastructure (QI) conducted by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) the German national metrological institute. STAR4BBS Coordiantor Dr. Luana Ladu (TUB) presented the project and Dr. Tilman Benkler (BAM) focused on the monitoring system the project will develop.

The hybrid workshop reached 110 participants – 20 onsite and 90 online –  representing 36 different countries, who discussed the scientific foundation of quality infrastructure and exchanged information on the state of research in the field.

Feedbacks about different presentations were gathered by discussions of the on-site attendees in organized groups and by the use of a Mural board by the online participants.

Comments on the talk of Dr. Luana Ladu pointed out the link between research and policy-making and the role of QI-research as strategy to improve knowledge and consensus on emerging concepts as sustainability.

One major outcome was the very limited amount of research conducted on this topic, taking into account the important role quality infrastructure has in regard to safety of products and services and international trade. In this regard, meetings bringing together researchers working in this field should be institutionalized by organizing regularly conducted events, although this workshops was not the occasion to define a structure about how to proceed in future.

Last but not least, Emanuele Riva – Chairman of the International Accreditation Forum IAF and Vice General Manager of the Italian accreditation body Accredia – emphasized the great importance of research regarding quality infrastructure for the professional bodies active herein.

More information

First international research workshop on Quality Infrastructure [by Quality Infrastructure for Development]