The International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (IFIB) was a great opportunity for the STAR4BBS Consortium to have its second General Assembly in person in Florence, where all project Partners presented the results reached after 12 months of intense work. In addition, STAR4BBS organized a side event on the same day, after which partners participated at two-day conference, contributing with their poster abstracts, presentations and by participating at the round tables.
IFIB brought together many bioeconomy stakeholders from around the world, who gathered to discuss and present the latest updates in the field.
The STAR4BBS project coordinator Dr. Luana Ladu (TUB) illustrated the efforts performed towards the evaluation of the robustness and effectiveness of sustainability certification systems for the bio-based industry.
A lot of work has already been done, and a lot more remains in the upcoming years in order to design and develop a comprehensive monitoring system for evaluating effectiveness and robustness of certification schemes and labels for bio-based products. Fortunately, a synergy between STAR4BBS and other two sister projects (HARMONITOR and SUSTCERT4BIOBASED) has been established, and joint work and efforts will result in achieving the ultimate goal: a more sustainable world.